Being pioneers in road transport business Shreeji has ventured into Warehousing & Distribution service.

The company now provides Warehousing & Distribution service facility in and around Mumbai, Bangalore & Chennai. More locations can be catered based on client requirement and feasibility of Project.

All the offices & Warehouses are Inter-linked with ERP software & real time inventory status reports and MIS reports can be instantly generated.

Modern Material Handling Equipments operated by Skilled Manpower are used in handling Cargo. We follow the FIFO (First in First out) system which enables the customer to ensure circulation and distribution of goods in accordance with Expiry Date. This system is beneficial for industries whose product have short shelf lives like the Pharma & FMCG Industry.

All Warehouses are monitored by CCTV’s and professional Guards have been hired to ensure safety of the warehouse and goods stored. Regular Fire safety drills and conducted to create awareness among Managers, Staff and Labourers to ensure that they are equipped to handle any Emergency.

Clear and proper segregation of areas, Cleanliness, dry and neat storage and constant monitoring are Factors stressed upon to ensure proper storage of goods.